Review of John J. Clabeaux, A Lost Edition of the Letters of Paul: A Reassessment of the Text of the Pauline Corpus Attested by Marcion (Washington, Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1989).

Clabeaux proposes that it is “far more likely that Marcion’s role was not the creation of a new [Pauline] text but the adaptation of an already existing Pauline Corpus which began with Galatians; it called Ephesians ‘Laodiceans’; it had the fourteen-chapter form of Romans; and it contained a great number of variants which scholars have wrongly assumed were created by Marcion.” 4.

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The Song against Marcionites

Before my book Marcion: Gospel of a Wholly Good God goes to press, I wanted to revisit the understudied Song against Marcionites (Carmen adversus Marcionitas). It is a five-book poem written in Latin by an unknown author. Scholars debate whether it was written in the third, fourth, or fifth century CE. The latest editor, Karla Pollmann (1991) places the poem between 420 and 450 CE due to parallels with Augustine.[1] Sebastian Moll (Arch-heretic Marcion 2010) put it in the mid-third century, in part because he assumed that Marcionism did not pose a real threat beyond the third century.

It is better, however, to let the text itself tell us whether and when Marcionite Christianity was still powerful in the Latin west. Moll is right that the poem treats Marcionite Christianity as a living and active force, but it could well be a living and active force in the age of Augustine. It is inadequate to say that other Christian sects are attacked under the cover of (neo-)Marcionism. The only sect mentioned in the poem is the Marcionite one, and there is every indication it was alive and well at the time of writing.

If you find heresiology difficult and distasteful, I can tell you it is more pleasant in the form of Latin poetry. Here hate speech becomes sonorous via Virgilian verses. The Germans are lucky to have Pollmann’s prose translation. A now dated (1885) English verse translation by Sydney Thelwell can be found in the Antenicene Fathers 4.142-65. For an English intro with further reading, see

What struck me about the Song is how little it says about Marcion and Marcionites. It is mostly concerned to unveil its own theology against the Marcionite position. Most of what is said against Marcionite teaching has a precedent in heresiological sources: two gods, good and evil (the evil who creates and judges harshly, the good who does not), a sudden, docetic Christ, an alien world, salvation unexpected and accomplished by fraud. We’ve heard all this before. Almost none of it represents Marcion’s own  point of view.

I was struck, however, by the backhanded admissions of Marcion’s powers of persuasion. Here’s an excerpt: “Quickly he [Marcion] is able to inflict punishments on those persuaded, concealing falsehoods with truths and turning rough things into smooth, and with the point of a spear hidden inside wreathed roses, he finally kills the unwary with unforeseen death” (2.9-12). Marcion was persuasive in his own time, and his followers continued to be persuasive as far as the fifth century CE.

Like most heresiologists, the author of the Song shoots himself in the foot. He says that Marcion’s Christ is a phantasm, but admits that their Eucharist assumes a real body of flesh and blood (5.192-96). He says that Marcion forbids marriage, but imagines Marcion as saying, “without fear, whatever you please, do as seems fit” with regard to sexual intercourse (5.82-83). He attributes to Marcionites a hatred of the flesh, but admits that they approve of created things (1.124). This is a trend we see in heresiology. Its own inner contradictions show that most of the reports on Marcion are “fake news.”

For a translation of select portions of the Song Against Marcion, along with many other sources in translation, check out my course on Marcion ( which you can bundle with my other courses (

[1] Pollmann, Karla, ed. Das Carmen adversus Marcionitas: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Hypomnemata 96. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991. 33.

Grand finale review of “Gospel of the Poor” Part 5

MB is not necessarily wrong in his improvisations. Nevertheless, building one’s reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel on a reconstruction of other hypothetical Gospels (e.g. “Mk1,” “Jn2,” “Mt1”) increases the possibility for error. (It goes without saying that other scholars do not typically accept discrete and datable pre-versions of Mark, Matthew, and John.) Thankfully, MB puts his improvisations in double angled brackets “<< >>” (62). These are MB’s most important editorial signs because they mark where he is being a maximalist editor and where his restorations are in fact most doubtful.

Unfortunately, the double angled brackets do not appear in MB’s English translation of Marcion’s Gospel.

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Review of “Gospel of the Poor” Part 4

MB’s knowledge of statistics and computational linguistics is impressive. Yet some of MB’s conclusions are not actually based on linguistic or numerical data in any direct sense, such as the idea that “Joshua of Nazareth [MB’s name for Jesus] is pictured from first to last in Qn as a new Aesop” (21). That’s a scholarly deduction that goes beyond data science and brings us into the wild and wonderful world of scholarly interpretation.


Now let’s get into the weeds of MB’s reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel. One should carefully consider places where MB fills in the data for Marcion’s Gospel even when it is unattested by patristic witnesses. MB’s term for this filling in is “improvisation.” (Readers can run a pdf-search for “improvis-” in MB’s work; it is telling.)  The following observations only serve as examples of MB’s improvisation.

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Review of “Gospel of the Poor” Part 3

And now onto a key point in my review: MB’s reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel is maximalist. Against other editors, including BeDuhn, MB refuses to acknowledge that there are unattested verses in Marcion’s Gospel. In MB’s words: “there is no unattested. There is only present or not present” (64). One must make a decision what to print. “Each decision becomes data, and data are the only path to scientific confidence” (64).

But this is exactly where “science” ends and Humanities begins . . .

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Review of Gospel of the Poor Part 2

Let’s continue my peer review of MB’s online, open-access book, focusing only on its relevance for Marcion’s Gospel (which I will occasionally call “Gospel” or “G” for short). MB proposes that G is prior to canonical Luke and that it has two primary sources: Qn (the “new” Q) and early Mark (Mk1). (I’ll immediately lay down my cards here and say that I agree with MB on the priority of Marcion’s Gospel over Luke, but I’m not convinced that Q(n) or Mark were its sources.)

MB views the Gospels as “essentially visualized audio scripts or transcripts” (61). This is a fascinating metaphor, . . .

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Review of the Gospel of the Poor

In my blog posts this week, I’ll be offering my peer review of Mark Bilby’s (MB’s) online, open-access book called “The First Gospel, the Gospel of the Poor: A New Reconstruction of Q and Resolution of the Synoptic Problem based on Marcion’s Early Luke.” Page references in parentheses refer to version 4.03, uploaded on Feb 18, 2024.[1] I provide this as a service to people who have asked my opinion about MB’s work.

As seen from its title, this very ambitious book offers a reconstruction of the hypothetical sayings source Q and a new solution to the Synoptic problem. Given my interests, I will only address matters related to Marcion’s Gospel. I am not competent to review MB’s data science methods, as I am not trained in any type of statistical modeling or computer science. (I hope a competent statistician or computational analyst will address these features, since much of what MB says depends on numerical accuracy.) I review this work as a historian in the Humanities trained in religious studies and Classics at the same institution as MB was educated (the University of Virginia).  


MB and I agree, I think, that peer-review is necessary; but we disagree on how it should be done. MB notes that “this work was presented in two-peer reviewed sessions” at the 2021 meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) (2). But it is unclear how these sessions are peer-reviewed (at SBL, papers are approved for presentation, but this is different from peer review). The current version of MB’s work is dated to 2024. The work has received an endorsement from Philip Tite (now of UVA), and I would like to add my own endorsement, insofar as I think people should engage with MB’s work. Nevertheless, I think MB should encourage people to engage his book by increasing its readability.

Following an open-science approach, MB seeks peer-review after publication. But after reading his work, I’m all the more convinced that it’s better to have peer-review before publication. I think there are many advantages of a pre-publication peer review, but let me focus on one very practical matter relevant here: proper editing.

Why is this important? MB’s book is very difficult to read. Visual fatigue sets in almost immediately. The book is loaded with tables and lists of code that overwhelm and numb the reader. There is little mercy when it comes to margins. Some of the font is 10-point (apparently 6- or 8-point in the footnotes). (I printed out portions of this book, and I could barely read them.) The chapters are very episodic; there is no narrative arc, and no consistent narrative voice. I think it’s beautiful that MB includes some of his own fictional writing and poetry at the end of the book (“Easter eggs”), but it does not jibe well with his scientific prose. Even in its most recently-revised form, the book is 1,072 pages long!

No respectable publisher would allow MB to publish his work in this form. It simply taxes the reader—even the scholarly reader—far too much. If MB is confused or disappointed about why his book is not being read and cited, the solution, I think, is really simple: he needs a qualified editor or colleague to provide feedback on his writing. He needs to make the effort to make his book more user-friendly. This is simply a matter of respect for the reader, who does not have infinite time, and who is already overwhelmed with more traditional, pre-peer-reviewed publications on Marcion.   

I know MB wants to be understood. He urges scholars to “shed light on the earliest Joshua [=Jesus] texts and traditions, not obscure them in scholarly jargon that does more to veil ignorance, feign intelligence, deflect scrutiny, and mask insecurity than to open up these materials for the whole world to see fully and clearly. We need to make our discourse accessible to the whole world” (1059). I agree. But MB’s book—despite being open-access—is (ironically) not really accessible to the average reader.

To be continued . . .

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[1] Bilby, M. G. The First Gospel, the Gospel of the Poor: A New Reconstruction of Q and Resolution of the Synoptic Problem Based on Marcion’s Early Luke. 4.03, Zenodo, 2020–2024, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10676806.

Was Marcion Excommunicated?

Epiphanius of Salamis (about 375 CE) imagines a synod in which Marcion stood before the elders of the church and posed a question about Jesus’ sayings: “What is the meaning of, ‘They do not pour new wine into old skins’ or [sew] ‘a patch of an unfulled cloth on an old garment . . .’?” The “elders” had their own explanation of the sayings (informed, it seems, by Epiphanius’ imagination), but when Marcion insisted on other explanations, they refused to admit him into their assembly, and Marcion cried that he would rend the Roman church.[1]

So goes the play. But these sorts of church synods featuring exegetical wrangling, ambitions for ecclesial office, and schisms caused by jealousy were more characteristic of Epiphanius’ own day than they were of the second century. Some of these same prooftexts (G 5:36-37; 6:43) do appear on the lips of Marcionite debaters in later sources.[2] Perhaps Epiphanius or his source projected these debates back onto Marcion’s time.

What I imagine happening is rather less flashy.

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[1] Epiphanius, Pan. 42.2.1-8.

[2] Adamantius 2.16; cf. 1.28 (821c.10-14).

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Marcion the Mutilator?

Heresiologists accused Marcion of mutilating his own scriptures to suit his theology. In fact, the word for mutilation used in the Latin translation of Irenaeus is circumciso—as if Marcion was a Jewish mohel circumcising the Gospel of Luke in its infancy.

But when this heresiological hypothesis is tested, it is found wanting. Take the example of Ulrich Schmid, the meticulous editor of Marcion’s Pauline collection (the Apostolikon). (Marcion und sein Apostolos: Rekonstruktion und historische Einordnung der Marcionitischen Paulusbriefausgabe [Berlin: de Gruyter, 1995]). Schmid searches up and down Marcion’s Apostolikon to find a consistent principle of emendation, and can find nothing. The only thesis he is willing to float is that Marcion omitted longer chunks of text with positive references to Israel, Abraham, and judgment according to works (Schmid, Marcion 254, 282).

But judgment according to works is missing only in Romans 2:3-11. Schmid acknowledges that Marcion accepts judgment according to works and Christ’s judgment seat in Romans 14:10 and 2 Cor 5:10 (Marcion 250). So there is no consistent editorial pattern. This is a major problem, because as Schmid says, we can’t prove that a particular change comes from Marcion if the change is not consistently made elsewhere in Marcion’s text (255). We can’t say, in this case, that Marcion erases “judgment according to works” if he only does so in one out of four cases.

Truth be told, divine judgment is a motif in both Marcion’s Gospel and Apostolikon. The Pontian transmitted Romans 2:2 (“God’s judgment is true”); Galatians 5:10 (“He who troubles you will bear his judgment”), Romans 2:16 (“In the day when God will judge the secrets through Jesus Christ”); and 2 Thessalonians 2:12 (“so that all who do not believe the truth may be judged”). We also find passages in the Evangelion which portray God or Christ as a judge, such as 12:46 and 13:28.

The same inconsistency appears in the case of Abraham. Tertullian accuses Marcion of erasing references to Abraham in Galatians 3. He is not specific as to whether all the references to Abraham are missing. It would be a huge misstep to infer that Marcion omitted references to Abraham in Romans 4—which Tertullian does not say. In Jason BeDuhn’s reconstruction of the Apostolikon, he prints the reference to Abraham in Romans 4:2. (Bilby, M.G. and BeDuhn, J.D., 2023. BeDuhn’s Greek Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 9(1), p.25.DOI:

Abraham also appears in Marcion’s text of Galatians 4:22 as the father of two sons through two wives. The wives are allegorized as two covenants: the slave-wife is the covenant of Sinai and the true wife is the true mother, the “holy church” (4:26). Christians are children of the true mother (4:31) which means, implicitly, that they are children of father Abraham as well. Thus Schmid’s idea that Marcion omitted references to Abraham as a model of faith and carrier of blessing fails. Why would Marcion have a problem with Abraham modeling faith? Abraham appears in one of Jesus’ parables (16:22); and a woman receives healing as a “daughter of Abraham” (13:16). These are positive references to Abraham in Marcion’s Gospel. Clearly Marcion did not systematically remove Abraham as a positive example and source of blessing.

The final example concerns positive references to Israel. Here Schmid focuses on Romans 9-11. Tertullian says that a chunk of text was omitted in Romans 9, but he does not say which chunk or how big it is. He skips immediately to what seems to be in Marcion’s favor: Israelite ignorance of God. Thus we know that Marcion’s text had Romans 10:2-4. Then Tertullian skips to 11:33-35 (a doxology to God). Does this mean that Marcion’s text was missing Romans 10:5–11:32? No. Tertullian never says that. He just skips over the text as if it weren’t important; and evidently it wasn’t important—to Tertullian. For Schmid or anyone else to assume that Marcion omitted these verses goes beyond the evidence.

Did Marcion omit all positive references to Israel? No. Ephesians 2:12 says that believers were once alienated from the body politic of Israel, and that they were foreigners to the covenants and the promise—but no longer. Anything negative about Israel here? No. One might read in something negative about “the children of Israel” mentioned in 2 Corinthians 3:7 since they cannot focus on Moses’ face due to its brilliance. But is that really their fault? The cause seems to be, rather, the fact that Moses veils himself in 3:13. So I would not call these references to Israelites negative.

Accordingly, all three large omissions that Schmid attributes to Marcion—positive references to Israel, references to Abraham as carrier of blessing/model of faith, and judgment according to works—don’t hold water. There is no consistent editorial tendency to omit such passages. Schmid himself admits that the influence of Marcion’s theology on his text is much less than previously assumed, but the exceptions he mentions are in fact not exceptions. He also confesses that the smaller differences we see in Marcion’s text are in accordance with what we know of normal textual variation in early manuscripts of the New Testament (Schmid, Marcion 282).

The academic thesis that Marcion is a theological editor is a myth, as Jason BeDuhn has pointed out (“The Myth of Marcion as Redactor: The Evidence of ‘Marcion’s’ Gospel against an Assumed Marcionite Redaction,” Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 29:1 (2012): 21-48). For my summary of this article and many other resources, see my patreon ( and my course on Marcion ( Subscribers to this blog get 20% off my course (see previous blog post).

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Did Marcion Misunderstand Paul?

Marcion is the whipping boy of the heresiologists and he arguably wins the prize for the worst postmortem PR campaign ever. As if this ancient criticism were not enough, Marcion has been subject to modern value judgments too. It was once popular to quote the dictum of Franz Overbeck that, “No one has understood Paul; and the only person who did understand him—Marcion—misunderstood him.” This is certainly a back-handed compliment if there ever was one! In the context of the Lutheran reading of Marcion, Marcion came close to understanding Paul because Marcion’s Paul resembled Luther’s; nevertheless, Marcion failed to hold together the dialectical tensions of the Lutheran reading. But the obvious question here is this: Why is the Lutheran (or any other later) tradition held up as a criterion for judging the thought of Marcion, a man of the second century?

One would have thought that in recent times comments like Overbeck’s would have lost their cachet. Yet one still find comments to the effect that Marcion misunderstood Paul (meaning: he misunderstood his own scriptures).[1] This over-generalizing judgment—apart from being a potential reinscription of ancient polemic—is out of place in scholarly studies of Marcion. Upon what criteria, after all, could one possibly judge that an interpreter—nearly two millennia closer to Paul than we are, with his own presuppositions governed by a different historical context—misunderstood Paul? More humility is required here, along with a method that remains sympathetic to ancient readers of all types. This is especially true given that Marcionite interpreters have been mocked, pilloried, and in some cases buried by an opposing (self-proclaimed “orthodox”) tradition.

There is no need to bury a man already dead. It is useful to imagine, however, a world—a narrative, biblical world—through the eyes of Marcion. It may be true that one can only understand the past through one’s own interpretive horizon. At the same time, the disciplined historical imagination has the ability to reenvision the past through the lens of its subjects. The goal is not to promote the viewpoint of these subjects (as if it could be applied today without further ado), but to walk a mile in their shoes in order to obtain a new picture of the world—or in this case, of church history.

Anyone interested in the New Testament and early Christian history should know who Marcion was in order to be able to cut through the constant misinformation campaigns about him. For instance, knowing Marcion is key for understanding the Synoptic problem, the construction of the New Testament, the spread of early Christianity, its earliest rites, its ethics, the development of its scripture, the tools of its interpretation, the development of theology, the interaction of theology and philosophy, the so-called “parting of the ways” with Judaism, the church’s (primeval) fall, and its relations with so-called gnostics.

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[1] Todd D. Still, “Shadow and Light: Marcion’s (Mis)Construal of the Apostle Paul,” in Paul and the Second Century, ed. Michael F. Bird and Joseph R. Dodson (London: T&T Clark, 2011), 91-107 at 107.