Hermes Thrice Great was a Jew Part 2

Artapanus leaves it up the reader to find out why Moses and Hermes are the same man. It comes as a bald assertion, and the detective work is up to us. There is an initial obvious parallel. Hermes-Thoth was the lord of heka (magic). Moses, as it turns out, was a well-known magician. He had a staff which looked very much like a wand. He could turn his staff into a snake, make water into blood, ash into gnats, and so on.

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Hermes Thrice Great was a Jew

Hermes was a Jew. In fact, he was a particularly famous Jew. He was the founder of the Jewish religious system. He received a great revelation on top of a mountain. He was a legislator of laws, deviser of religious ceremonies, founder of a great state. That’s because Hermes is Moses. Or at least that is what one ancient Jew said.

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To be continued . . .