You know you’re an apologist when. . .

you already know what you want to prove even before entering the conversation

you take criticism as a sign of eschatological conflict

you relinquish relationships with people who don’t agree with you

you only listen to one talk show host on the internet

the hardest thing to believe is that most people don’t believe you

you think everyone would be better off if they just thought like you

you scorn people for missing a point so obvious to you

human feelings and rights seem less important than “truth”

the friends you hang out with never disagree with your opinions

you’re willing to bother a perfect stranger to express your opinion

you’re willing to let tradition and authority replace good evidence

you can’t believe foreigners don’t think like you, but you’ve never been outside the country

you view intellectuals as a threat to good government

you don’t know that you do not—and cannot possibly—know what you think you know for certain.

what’s the one thing that made Socrates wise? He knew that he did not know.

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